Hidden Charges or Bait and Switch

When You Need to Pay Hidden Charges?

You have completed several steps for ordering a furnace or a vehicle or any other expensive merchandise; first you agreed on a price and later saw it increasing. This happens due to hidden charges. The other cause of change in price may be: unavailability of the product you ordered; and the vendor is offering you an item that is costlier than the one you ordered. This is not a fair thing to happen to any consumer.

Ehline Law Firm Is Fighting against Hidden Costs

Most sellers let him be an automobile dealer or an appliance retailer search for ways of bringing customers to their stores, show them products of certain price range and then modify the rules or change the product. If you have experienced any such incident, remember it’s not only you; a big share of the consumers today is suffering from such incidents.

Some common examples are:

Hidden Fees: Once you have agreed on a price for a vehicle, the dealer will produce a contract. On most occasions, you will find that the sum due is much higher than the amount you expected. This extra charge may be due to the fees you will need to pay for registering your vehicle with DMV; however, in spite of adding the registration costs, you may find that the amount mentioned by the dealer is exceeding your calculations.

Bait & Switch: You have liked a product advertised recently and visited the appliance shop to have a look at it; however, you came to know that the product you were searching for is not available. Most retailers will try to make you buy another more expensive product. In majority of cases it is found that the product shown on the advertisement was never available.

Modification of Terms: You came to a vender to purchase a car of a certain value, but the seller checked your credit and informed you that you’ll need to pay a higher price. Sometimes, the increase is by more than thousands of dollars. Sometimes, the vender also tells that you cannot buy the car, but can only take it on a lease.

The retailer made you visit his or her store by advertising a certain product at a certain price, but never stuck to the promises made in the advertisement. When a person is made to pay a higher amount as car administration charges, it results in profit for the dealer. If the dealer does this to hundreds and thousands of customers, he will earn huge amounts as profit. This way, they are also possibly eligible for a representative action lawsuit.
Contact Ehline Law Firm and inform us about any experience you had involving hidden charges or bait and switch tricks. Call us at 888.400.9721.