Employment and Labor

Hold Employers Accountable with Class Action Lawsuits

Large and small employers know the laws, but there are employers that ignore the laws and it is seen in the headlines when they get caught. Ehline Law is concerned that employers ignore the laws and this affects individuals and their families.

Workplace Justice

When an employee is treated unfair it is difficult for them to stand up against their employer and especially if the employer is a major company that has executives and attorneys protecting their practices. The one employee does not have a voice that will stand up against the powerful employer.

The wronged employee can have a voice against unfair practices by employers when they are a part of a employment class action lawsuit led by an experienced class action attorney. The employment class action lawsuit is the voice of many people that have suffered from the illegal practices of an employer.

These practices can include:

  • Unpaid Overtime: Unpaid overtime is illegal and is taking money that the employee earned for working over the amount of forty hours in one week. This might be a small amount of money earned per week, but over the course of a year it can become a large amount of money the employer has cheated the employee out of.
  • Break Time: Many employers do not pay for break time, even when it is just a short brake mandatory by law when working a certain amount of hours per day, it can add up.
  • Misclassified and Exempt Employees: Companies save money when they have the employee listed as a contract worker or exempt.
  • Discrimination: It is illegal for companies to discriminate and when they do it is usually a pattern and not a onetime decimation against a certain employee.

When a business treats an employee unfair it is usually a continuous action involving other employees and this can be a cause for a class action lawsuit. Contacting a class action lawsuit attorney Ehline Law Firm the class action attorney will bring you together with other employees that have been treated unfairly by the company and let the company know their unfair practices will not be tolerated.

Home Depot. Employees: If you work or have worked for Home Depot. we would like to hear from you.  If you were a DH, or a GM, we are especially interested in hearing about working of the clock violations in Marina del Rey, Hawthorne, Redondo Beach.  We are interested in workplace violations and any information shared with us will be confidential.