
Discrimination is Illegal in the Workplace

Workplace discrimination occurs and when it is done by an employer it is illegal to treat an employee differently due to their gender, race, ethnicity, religion, age, disability or sexual orientation. When an employer discriminates against employees it is more than likely they have done this to other employees and this is when class action lawsuits are beneficial to the employees in Los Angeles, Orange County, or even San Francisco, for example.

Holding Employers Responsible for Discrimination

There are employers that discriminate against certain employees and this can be seen when a certain class of employees are paid differently than others. One of the most common is women in the workplace being paid less than men in the same workplace. This is also discrimination when a certain race of people is paid less than other employees. This type of discrimination can be difficult to prove and the attorney should not only be experienced in class action lawsuits, but also in employment law.

There are some common types of discrimination tactics used by employers and they can include:

•    Under paying women: Under paying women is not a new tactic for employers and they often use titles, this allows them to pay men more than they do women with the same responsibilities and same workload. The use of titles allows them to justify paying differently, when the employee pay should be based on responsibility and workload, rather than titles.

•    Race or Ethnic Discrimination: When a company does not hire or promote people that are a certain race or ethnicity this is discrimination and could be cause for a class action lawsuit.

•    Discrimination Against Age: Age discrimination occurs in the workplace by employers that decide to lay off employees or downsize the position of a person of age. This can save the company money, because a younger person will be a cheaper employee for the same job slot as an older person.

The employer that practices age discrimination is in violation of federal and state laws protecting older employees.  If you have been an employee that has suffered age discrimination in the workplace that has led to less pay or less opportunity to advance contact Ehline Law to discuss your age discrimination claim at myclassationlawsuitattorney.com.